find the reason why I escape from and scare about human kind

Just thought abouth the reason why I can't believe in people, about human kind.

When I talked to someone in whom I can't believe, I must feel myself be disgusted.

There's a story named Elephant with chain, which explains about the tendency of human kind to think back to the past, especially worse ones.

New born elephant has been chained of his leg by someone to the ground, and he has continually felt sadness by the time he has become matured because he can't go around out of the chained area.

The elephant has already become so large body and big foot that he can break the chain. But he can't move to the out of the chained area.

Because he has repeatedly felt he can't go outside, he assumed that he'll be dead in that area.

Like this story, I myself am also feeling the same habit.

Maybe and I confidentially think that I must have been chained by someone.

That might be my parents, or something, everything is fine because that's not what I want to talik.

The point is that I already don't need to be afraid of chained disappointment.

Even though I feel like I'll be accused, blamed by human beings except me.

This is psychological & neuroscience problem.

There's only a way to break the chain, which is "just continually try to break the chain even if you feel disappointment".

Because the problem is lost experience, I have to make win experience.

That is, try to believe in someone in accurate way, and by that way I have to feel free to do what I want to.